terça-feira, novembro 16, 2010

As Crónicas de Narnia - O Principe Caspian - C.S. Lewis

Comecei a ler este livro no dia 13/11/2010 e acabei no dia 15/11/2010.

O Príncipe Caspian é o quarto de sete volumes que compõem a série «As Crónicas de Nárnia», um dos grandes clássicos da literatura infanto-juvenil. Peter, Susan, Edmund e Lucy, os heróis e heroínas do segundo volume estão de volta para nos contar mais uma fantástica aventura. A história começa quando estas quatro crianças são inesperadamente impelidas, por artes mágicas, de uma estação de caminhos-de-ferro em Londres para o maravilhoso mundo de Nárnia, onde o príncipe Caspian se encontra em apuros. O feliz reino de Nárnia, terra onde os animais falavam e havia pessoas simpáticas que viviam nos rios e nas árvores, chamadas Naíades e Dríades, e onde ressoavam os martelos dos Anões, estava agora ameaçada pelo controlo do perigoso e perverso rei Miraz. Estes quatro jovens, conduzidos pelo magnífico leão Aslan, têm agora a importante missão de ajudar o príncipe Cáspian a recuperar o glorioso passado de Nárnia. Será que vão conseguir?

Clive Staples Lewis (29 November 1898 – 22 November 1963), commonly referred to as C. S. Lewis and known to his friends and family as "Jack", was an Irish-born British novelist, academic, medievalist, literary critic, essayist, lay theologian and Christian apologist. He is also known for his fiction, especially The Screwtape Letters, The Chronicles of Narnia and The Space Trilogy.

Lewis was a close friend of J. R. R. Tolkien, and both authors were leading figures in the English faculty at Oxford University and in the informal Oxford literary group known as the "Inklings". According to his memoir Surprised by Joy, Lewis had been baptised in the Church of Ireland at birth, but fell away from his faith during his adolescence. Owing to the influence of Tolkien and other friends, at the age of 32 Lewis returned to Christianity, becoming "a very ordinary layman of the Church of England". His conversion had a profound effect on his work, and his wartime radio broadcasts on the subject of Christianity brought him wide acclaim.

In 1956, he married the American writer Joy Gresham, 17 years his junior, who died four years later of cancer at the age of 45.

Lewis died three years after his wife, as the result of renal failure. His death came one week before his 65th birthday. Media coverage of his death was minimal, as he died on 22 November 1963 – the same day that U.S. President John F. Kennedy was assassinated, and the same day another famous author died, Aldous Huxley.

Lewis's works have been translated into more than 30 languages and have sold millions of copies. The books that make up The Chronicles of Narnia have sold the most and have been popularised on stage, TV, radio and cinema.

The Chronicles of Narnia is a series of seven fantasy novels for children and is considered a classic of children's literature. Written between 1949 and 1954 and illustrated by Pauline Baynes, the series is Lewis's most popular work, having sold over 100 million copies in 41 languages (Kelly 2006) (Guthmann 2005). It has been adapted several times, complete or in part, for radio, television, stage and cinema.

The books contain Christian ideas intended to be easily accessible to young readers. In addition to Christian themes, Lewis also borrows characters from Greek and Roman mythology as well as traditional British and Irish fairy tales.

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