Comecei a ler este maravilhoso livro no dia 17/11/2008 e acabei de ler no dia 18/11/2008.
Neste romance surpreendente e admirável, que revelou ao leitor português uma grande escritora mexicana, toda a trama narrativa roda em torno da cozinha e de um certo número de elementos culinários. Cada capítulo abre com uma receita fora do comum (mas ao mesmo tempo perfeitamente realizável), a pretexto e em volta da qual não apenas se juntam os comensais, mas também se “cozem” e “temperam” amores e desamores, risos e prantos, e se celebra o triunfo da alegria e da vida sobre a tristeza e a morte.
Enorme sucesso editorial, Como Água para Chocolate foi já traduzido em numeros países e adaptado ao cinema.

Uma história lindíssima sobre um amor proibido em que cada capítulo começa sempre com uma receita que se mistura com um enredo cheio de cheiros e sabores.
Laura Esquivel (born September 30, 1950) is a Mexican author making a noted contribution to Latin-American literature. She was born the third of four children of Julio César Esquivel, a telegraph operator, and Josefa Valdés.
In her first novel Como agua para chocolate (Like Water for Chocolate), released in 1989, Esquivel uses magical realism to combine the ordinary and the supernatural, similar to Isabel Allende. The novel, taking place in nineteenth century Mexico, shows the importance of the kitchen in Esquivel's life. Esquivel believes that the kitchen is the most important part of the house and characterizes it as a source of knowledge and understanding that brings pleasure.
The "title refers to a colloquial phrase used by the Spanish that means an extremity of feeling. It refers to a boiling point in terms of anger, passion and sexuality."
The idea for the book came to Esquivel "while she was cooking the recipes of her mother and grandmother."
Reportedly, "Esquivel used an episode from her own family to write her book. She had a great-aunt named Tita, who was forbidden to wed. Tita never did anything but care for her own mother. Soon after her mother died, so did Tita."
"The book has been a tremendous international success: The No. 1 best-selling book in Mexico for three years, it's also been translated into 23 languages."[2]
Like Water for Chocolate was developed into a film, which was released in 1993 concurrently with the book's English translation. In the United States, Like Water for Chocolate became one of the largest grossing foreign films ever released in the US. Esquivel earned the Mexican Academy of Motion Pictures award; she received eleven in all, from Ariel Awards.[citation needed]

Esquivel's second novel, The Law of Love (1996) takes place in the twenty-third century Mexico City and combines romance and science fiction. Reportedly, "the theme of romantic love, particularly love thwarted, appears repeatedly throughout her novels, as does the setting in Mexico."
Her Between the Fires (2000) featured essays on life, love, and food. Her most recent novel, Malinche (2006), "explores the life of a near mythic figure in Mexican history-the woman who served as Spanish conquistador Hernan Cortez's interpreter and mistress" as he fought to overthrow the Aztecs. Reportedly, although "since the 15th century, Mexican history and folklore have interpreted her actions as traitorous to her people, in Esquivel's book, we learn of Malinche's rich cultural heritage." Esquivel characterized La Malinche as a strong woman - an ambassador and a genius.[citation needed] The novel includes an Aztec codex (by Jordi Castells) which acts as Malinche's own diary.
Esquivel was once married to director Alfonso Arau. She currently lives in Guatama Bay, Mexico.
•Como agua para chocolate (1989) (English: Like Water for Chocolate)
•La ley del amor (1995) (English: The Law of Love)
•Íntimas suculencias (1998)
•Estrellita marinera (1999)
•El libro de las emociones (2000)
•Tan veloz como el deseo (2001) (English: Swift as Desire)
•Malinche (2006)